Hot Fun in the Summertime

I thought summer would never get here and now here we are. We start off the month with Mercury stationing direct on June 3rd. This is such a welcome relief as we start to feel our thoughts and energy returning to normal. You can expect to feel more balanced with communication becoming clearer, having more clarity in your mental processes, and transportation, travel and technology being more reliable.

However, the next day on June 4th, Saturn goes retrograde and will remain so until October 22nd. Saturn is the planet that teaches us that the purpose of life is growth through experience. He teaches us our most difficult lessons, forcing us to grow by recognizing our own limitations and boundaries. Saturn is strict. The authority figure who pushes us to achieve the most we can, ruling through self-discipline, restriction, and authority.

When Saturn is direct, it can help us find our way and steer us on the right path on our journey. When it goes retrograde, you may feel a little more anxious and restricted. On a positive note, it can also make you work harder and have more discipline and focus on the practical aspects of where and how to get what you want in life.

It is important to remember that the purpose of this retrograde is to assess the important things in your life and make any necessary changes. It is about restructuring and rebuilding the things that are no longer serving you. It is a time to slow down and decide if your activities are working in your best interest or if you need to change direction. Bring your actions into balance

As with any retrograde or transit, it is always important to know the area of life it will be affecting according to where it is moving through your chart. For instance, if Saturn is transiting retrograde through your 6th house, you may be challenged to reorganize and improve on the ways you have been managing your life both at work and at home. Take responsibility for how you operate on a daily basis. You would want to do things like, reassess your morning routine for greater productivity in starting your day, take a second look at your calendar system to ensure that it is up-to-date and in sync with your to-do lists, and develop discipline in making good choices regarding your health. The goal would be to build solid personal foundations during this time so that you can better serve yourself and others in the future.

An important date to mark on your calendar is June the 6th. This is the date which is a high point in the month. We will experience a Lunar Grand Trine in earth signs. There will be a Virgo Moon, Pluto in Capricorn, and Mercury in Taurus. Let me explain why this is important to note and be aware of.

A Grand Trine occurs when 3 planets align in a perfect equilateral triangle, making 120-degree trine aspects to each other. They all share the same element and in this case the earth element. When a Grand Trine is in the earth element, it represents a mature wisdom, an instinctual knowing of how to get things done, and a stability and groundedness with which to manifest and bring new ideas to life. The Grand Trine provides an extremely harmonious energy which can spark major artistic or creative developments. Globally, it could perhaps lead to progress around world peace and open the door for positive communications, possibly breaking down barriers and lifting the energy to new levels of unity.

This is a naturally lucky aspect and exceptionally positive, so keep your options and eyes open during this time period. Don’t let it pass by without utilizing these vibrations. Focus on your career goals because it could bring professional recognition as well as an increase in finances, but you must recognize this energy and make it work for you.

On June 13th, Mercury enters Gemini, making this the perfect time for summertime fun and socializing. Take advantage of the season and plan some outdoor parties or picnics, widen your social circle of friends to include more excitement and eclectic people, and don’t be afraid to be flirty, chatty, and curious.

June 14th brings the Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. This Full Moon is known as the Super Full Moon, meaning that it is at the closest point to Earth and looks bigger and brighter since it is about 16% brighter than an average Full Moon. It should be quite the vision.

During a Full Moon the Sun and Moon are directly opposite each other, making this Sun/Moon polarity between Gemini and Sagittarius. The theme to this Full Moon is about finding balance between our need for sparkling conversation and chasing information for no particular reason vs. receiving information to help us see the larger view of life and creating a vision for the future. Both signs are mutable, positive masculine signs that are mentally active, so although they are on opposite sides of the astrological chart, their energies allow them to work together in an easy way, making them natural partners.

Where Gemini is concerned with current events as they are happening and wanting to know everything about everyone. Sagittarius is concerned with the broader spectrum and what is happening on the world stage. Gemini seeks knowledge for the sake of curiosity and Sagittarius seeks knowledge in pursuit of a goal. Gemini is observant and focused more on the present, while Sagittarius is a big picture person and is always looking towards the next big thing. Both are great storytellers and love to learn, but Gemini’s information comes from communicating with others while Sagittarius’s information tends to come from personal experiences and their own philosophies and beliefs in how they view the world.

With this Full Moon in Sagittarius, the basic premise is to seek knowledge by being open to new experiences and learning new landscapes, whether you do this through physical travel, cultural diversity, continuing education, or anywhere you can expand your horizons and enrich your life. This Full Moon helps you to become more of a visionary, so try something new and exciting, go on an adventure, expand, and explore. Let this Full Moon lead you on a path from idealism to finding your spiritual truth and a deeper purpose and meaning in your life.

The Sun enters Cancer on June 21st and also brings the Summer Solstice. The solstice marks the official beginning of the first day of summer resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the year if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.

Cancer season brings in the energy of summer and is a cardinal water sign. Every season begins with a cardinal sign with Aries signaling spring, Cancer is summer, Libra activates fall and Capricorn brings in winter. The essential nature of the cardinal signs is to initiate action, to start things, to get things going. Cancer season brings up thoughts of what your purpose and direction will be in the coming months. This is a season very much about utilizing our emotions.

Because Cancer is a water element it corresponds with our emotions and feelings. It represents the power of our unconscious desires and energies and how that motivates us to move ahead. Cancer is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac, so use your emotional sensitivities and intuition and take advantage of your powerful imagination to work for you and not against you.

The Moon rules the sign of Cancer and is focused on the home and family and is always about self-care. Your feelings may see-saw a bit, and you may be feeling more sensitive, but it is a wonderful time to build close, meaningful relationships. Give yourself the permission to slow down and relax. Give yourself the gift of being able to bring your dreams to life. This season can bring a maturity in understanding your innermost soul and realizing what it means to move on to the next phase of your development.

All this inner and emotional time will help prepare you for Leo season on July 22nd, when the energy will be much more lighthearted, dynamic, and playful, and when you will be able to express yourself without difficulties or self-consciousness.

At the end of the month on June 28th, the New Moon will be in her own sign of Cancer. Since the Moon and Cancer represent home, family, karma, nurturing, domesticity, emotions and feelings, the energy of this New Moon is much gentler as we seek to transition and navigate new waters. This is the time to think about the plans you would like to implement in matters that affect your relationships, your home environment and family life, and the things that will add value to your sense of safety and comfort.

Because the Moon will also be in a square aspect to Jupiter, be aware that you may experience a tendency to overdo things in terms of your emotional and financial generosity. So, just for a couple of days during this connection, try to watch any acts of overindulgence. You don’t want to over-extend yourself and have to deal with it later.

On the same day, Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces until December 3rd. Neptune is famous for creating illusion, self-delusion, and fantasy. This is a watery planet that can sometimes cloud our minds with a mist, creating uncertain thoughts and misunderstood perceptions. It is almost like moving through life in a fog. Neptune can be the trickster, who has us at times putting on our rose-colored glasses so that we don’t have to face things or see things as they really are. This planet tries to protect us when the realism of life is too harsh. Neptune has a spiritual side as well. Spirituality and our spiritual beliefs are often hidden, yet we still have faith in what we cannot see or touch. This is the work of Neptune. It gives us our imagination, creativity, sensitivity and governs our dreams.

However, when Neptune is retrograde, for the next 6 months you will see things more realistically and with greater awareness. Almost as if a veil has been lifted. It will be easier for you to see situations more clearly in the light of day. This time period encourages you to view the most difficult aspects about yourself, your life, and your relationships with others, and make adjustments. Reflect on all these issues and on boundaries that need to be put in place, then work towards healing. Cut ties with any unhealthy relationships and be more discerning who you share yourself with.

Neptune in Pisces energy is extremely strong intuitively, but when it is retrograde, you may question yourself and your decisions. During this time, it is particularly important to stay true to yourself, trust your instincts, and follow your intuition. Your intuition will never steer you wrong. This retrograde inspires creativity and helps you to better understand your hopes and dreams.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

For those of you finishing up an educational program this month, the Full Moon on June 14th will have you feeling more emotional with a greater sense of transformation and expansion of new ideals and philosophies. You’ll find yourself needing time to withdrawal as the month comes to a close and to lean on the things that reassure you, such as family, home, and security. Use this time to concentrate on developing a personal foundation and formulating a plan going forward.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

This month triggers those deep dark secrets in your unconscious. Those limitations and taboos that are usually kept hidden, but if brought into the light, lead the way for greater growth. It is a time when you could experience deep transformation if you allow yourself to investigate these feelings and permit yourself to journey to the psychological depths of your being. Release whatever has been holding you back from living authentically. Explore your sexuality and intimacy in relationships, as well as soul level healing. Face the shadows, release old fears, and embrace what can be regenerated and transformed.  

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

Your focus is on relationships and partnerships of all types. Whatever you need in your relationships, or the patterns you continue to have in your relationships, will be illuminated. This is a time to assess all one-to-one connections and any contracts or collaborations in order to gain a little extra perspective. The Full Moon will bring the hidden into the light, and you get to see others true feelings and intentions. Find balance between your own needs and those of another. It’s time to compromise and negotiate. This can be a chance to truly connect to a special someone in your life.


Your well-being is being illuminated. If you have been having a health problem, you may finally get closure and obtain the proper diagnosis and medical advice. It is also a time when you are able to see the benefits to anything that you have been working towards regarding diet and fitness goals, or daily routines and habits. This Full Moon can show how strong strategies of foresight and planning in this area can best benefit you.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

This is the perfect time to show your creativity to the world. The Full Moon may bring a completion to a creative project you have been working on or just shine a light on what you truly are passionate about. Whatever the circumstances, your need for self-expression is strong. This is a good month to be more enthusiastic, passionate, and spontaneous about your visions, projects and hobbies and have fun in the process.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This Full Moon is shing a light on balancing your public and personal life and illuminating the needs of your family.  Your home, family and security are reaching some type of completion phase, so if you have been working on a house project or having any family disputes, both may resolve at this time. With the Moon in a Trine aspect to Mars, your need to protect and nurture your family is strong and you want to provide for the needs of those you care about.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

Your attentions will be focused on things happening in your local environment. Something pivotal is occurring in your community and you feel a certain need to teach or communicate to others what you think and feel about the situation. This is a time to think, observe, and learn regarding what is happening here and decide what adjustments you can make to improve the balance. As the New Moon approaches at month’s end, you will find yourself reaching recognition and a new responsibility in planning and managing a strong strategy.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

The Full Moon is shining light on your self-worth and what it is that you value, as well as your financial sector. If you have been assessing your budget and deciding on a major purchase, something you have been saving for or something which could be considered a splurge item, now may be the time to allow yourself to move forward on it. The most important thing is to allow self-awareness about what is truly of value to you and what it is that reinforces your sense of foundational security.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

This is a time of total self-awareness when you are able to see yourself in a whole new light. This month can provide you with greater insight into your life path and you start seeing some results in the actions you have been taking leading up to this period. This can be a new beginning for you on a very personal level. With the Full Moon in your own sign, even more attention is on you, giving you the opportunity to shed your old skin and use your self-expression to move forward with a new you. Embrace change, explore as many experiences as possible, and allow people to see the positive and fun-loving you.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

Be prepared for the past to come back up for you and trigger emotions you suppressed in the subconscious. Allow these things to come to the surface and deal with them now. This will allow for healing that is long overdue. Make sure you have adequate alone time to process your feelings and pay particular attention to your dreams since they can provide clues from your higher self. With the Moon squaring Neptune, your imagination and sensitivity will be heightened, so use this to your advantage by finding creative outlets to express yourself or use the energy to escape from the world for a while through a movie or book about adventure or fantasy.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

This month finds you with a very active social life. You are very much drawn to the “collective” energy of friends, groups, or other associations. This may be a time when your visions for the future evolve, and you become involved with new organizations that are in sync with your humanitarian or social aspirations. With the Full Moon in a Trine with Mars you will feel the emotional support within your environment and be inspired and motivated to apply yourself in a new direction and to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Your career and life path are emphasized this month. With your reputation on display, you may find yourself being noticed more and sought out for more opportunities. This Full Moon can illuminate your true desires regarding your career and whether you are happy in your current role. Whatever the case, you are suddenly in the spotlight so put your best foot forward. Set your intentions for this month based on your professional goals for the future and decide if you need to make any compromises or adjustments in balancing your public and private life.