What better way to start the month off than with a New Moon in Aries? This is the perfect time to incorporate the passionate and motivating energies of Aries to jump start your goals for the coming year. This New Moon is urging you to begin again. It represents a fresh start somewhere in your life.

With the Aries energy supporting you, there should be no trouble tapping into your confidence and ambitions. It gives the courage to perhaps enter unfamiliar territory and accept whatever challenges may await you. With the Sun forming a conjunction with Mercury the next day on April 2nd, it also brings focus to your thinking and communications. This provides quicker thinking and an enhanced ability to interact with others and to be able to get your ideas out there. However, make sure you take a break in concentration at least once a day to allow new thought patterns to emerge.

On April 4th Mars and Saturn meet up in the sign of Aquarius forming a conjunction aspect. Mars in Aquarius can be a very unpredictable energy, and when combined with Saturn, this can sometimes not be the most harmonious connection. Because Mars is impulsive and wants to take action, when it connects with the planet of boundaries and limitations, it can create some feelings of frustration. If you can recognize this, you may be able to work it to your benefit by realizing where you need to become more responsible, to learn lessons and to grow, before making any decisions.

Luckily on April 6th, the Moon steps up to the plate to make a trine aspect to both Mars and Saturn, lightening the mood. The connection to these planets offers better emotional control and an ability to better balance extremes in behavior. It helps provide more patience and strength to handle sensitive issue and to rely on strong instincts to make important decisions. This would be a great time to set your long-term goals because anything started during this time period will have a greater impact on your future.

April 12th brings a powerful conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. We will not see this particular conjunction happen again until March of 2035. These 2 planets are directly linked to each other since both are considered the rulers of Pisces. Jupiter being the traditional ruler, Neptune being the modern ruler that most current astrologers associate with that sign. Either way, expect to feel especially loving, compassionate and peaceful during this transit. This is a very idealistic and interesting conjunction signaling a major magnification of the Pisces energy.

Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion. Neptune is the planet of spirituality, idealism, dreams, and illusions. It provides you with the capabilities to have faith in the unknown, to be more of a visionary, and have trust in your creativity and imagination. We get so caught up in our daily living, placing a higher emphasis on our ego’s wants and needs, that we sometimes forget the role that spirituality or living up to our spiritual purpose means. This is the most opportune time to honestly ask yourself where you have been lacking in this area and how you can bring that part of yourself back into alignment. When you have faith and allow the light of your inner self to guide you, the rest comes naturally. Allow yourself to see where you are on your life’s path and what spiritual work needs to be done to further your mission forward. Whatever a spiritual practice means to you, this is a great time to make it a regular routine.

Although the world has been grim and the unrest abroad becomes more intensified, we can do our part in our portion of the world to bring in light and optimism, to create ideals based upon love, creativity, and spirituality. If we combine that New Moon energy, with that of this conjunction, there is no stopping what we can do to make our dreams a reality.

On April 16th, we get a Libra Full Moon. This Full Moon is centered around the area of relationships, and it is also bringing the messages of the last New Moon in Aries to a kind of completion.

Aries is an independent and ego-driven sign, and this Libra Moon is reminding us that we are not alone in this world. It sometimes takes partnership to bring ideas and plans to fruition. If we come together, we strengthen each other. This Full Moon is here to balance our need for independence with our need for companionship. We need to consider others in our actions so that it’s not just our desires being met, but those important others in our lives are having their needs met as well. Take the time to reflect on what needs to be released during this Full Moon that is creating a sense of unrest and imbalance. Allow yourself to become empowered by recognizing your individual needs in relation with the needs of others.

Mercury is being given a boost when it lines up in a conjunction aspect with Uranus on April 18th.This connection can provide insights into some unique realizations and opportunities that create those “a-ha” moments that we all love. You may find your thoughts racing around with new and original ideas, wanting to communicate all these things to your associates and friends. Just remember to take a minute to slow down and focus and let these new things sink in before jumping off the deep end.

There seems to be so much happening, that when the Sun enters Taurus on April 19th, we can almost breathe a sigh of relief. Taurus brings in that grounded and stable energy that is much needed. Taurus is an earth sign. Its job is to turn the spark of Aries inspiration into physical form. It finds real ways to turn ideas into tangible products and make something real out of what Aries has started. Taurus is not an initiator. It doesn’t inspire. Taurus is about the long-term, sticking to the plan, building something of value and seeing it through to the end. So, take advantage of this energy for the next month and turn those new ideas into something solid. If Aries can birth it, Taurus can grow it. This energy will enable you to do whatever it takes to build your dream.

On April 29th, Mercury enters Gemini, the sign that it rules. You are definitely going to need somewhere to channel your creative thoughts or begin studying something new. This combination has your mind running at full throttle. Mercury in Gemini is a placement that is endlessly curious, endlessly sociable, and endlessly communicative.

Depending on your sign, this will affect you in different ways. For instance, if you are a Taurus, this energy could cause feelings of irritation and stress since Taurus people are used to being able to take time with processing their thoughts. They have a slower and more deliberate means of translating ideas and information. This could create disagreements if you don’t choose your words carefully. Be cautious that small differences of opinion don’t turn into major conflicts. During this transit, try to steer clear of highly controversial topics and keep everything neutral.

If you are a Libra, it actually revives your mind and spirit. Mercury, Gemini and Libra are all air signs making this is a very comfortable transit for Libra. Use this energy to discover new things. If you are able, travel to new places to revitalize the soul. Libra naturally loves to build bridges, so think of new ways to develop your negotiating and mediating skills to cultivate harmony both at work and personally. This would be the perfect time to heal wounds caused by previous misunderstandings.

April 30th brings not only an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Venus, but also the first Solar Eclipse of the year in Taurus. This will be the second eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The first eclipse in this series occurred as a Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021. Situations from that time may return so that you can come to terms with those issues and let them go to make way for the new.

This eclipse is at the North Node of the Moon, which represents the beginning of major life issues, usually focused on our identity and ego. It initiates issues related to the self, and because of its close connection to Uranus, it also includes matters of freedom, progressiveness, and inspired insight. This is a very enterprising energy and impacts by delivering something new. If one of these two signs are prominent in your chart, you will feel these eclipses most directly and intensely.

Major developments will occur in different areas of the chart depending on your sign. I will share where those developments will occur in the horoscopes I’ve provided at the end of this article for this time period.

The Jupiter/Venus conjunction in Pisces brings an ease and harmony to this eclipse. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, making Venus the ruler of this eclipse. This is very significant especially since Venus is also exalted in the sign of Pisces. This means that the energy of Venus is even stronger in that it can achieve its highest expression and potential. Her best qualities are enhanced. Combine the fact that Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, so apply these same principles and energies, and understand that it creates a powerful influence.

This is the most beneficial and favorable of all signs for this conjunction to occur. This is a blessed transit for setting intentions during this Solar Eclipse. The key to utilizing this energy during the eclipse is to commune directly with spirit through your spiritual practice and ask for help and guidance in setting and manifesting your intentions. Believe it with your whole heart and soul and have faith in the process


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

The solar eclipse is transiting through the 2nd house ruled by Taurus. This eclipse will impact your finances and resources, where you find self-worth and value, and what is most important for you to feel secure. With Uranus in a conjunction aspect with this eclipse, you could see some unexpected changes in the way you manage your affairs. Take a good look at your unique talents and natural skills to invest in what you truly value and believe in and allow that to create a solid financial foundation for yourself.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

This eclipse will affect you most intensely and directly in how you identify with all aspects of yourself on a personal level. Be prepared to express yourself in a brand-new way and to grow beyond your current identity. Allow this to be a time of self-recognition, self-knowledge, and self-confidence on the road to personal development. This is going to be a huge time for spiritual growth where you learn to recognize your strengths and become confident in knowing what your true potential is. This is a great time for putting yourself out there in a new way, developing your brand and identity, and allowing yourself to be in the spotlight.

 GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

During this time, it will be important to reconnect with yourself in a deeply spiritual way. If you are feeling insecure or confused about your life direction, this is the time to clear your mind through inner reflection and exploring your subconscious. Focus on initiating new ways to incorporate your spiritual journey with creative artistic expression. Pay attention to your dreams and remember to journal them upon waking. They may be able to provide some illusive information you have been looking for.


The light is shining on your friendships and those you are connected to through groups and associations. You are feeling pulled toward new horizons and this may involve changes in your friendships or group affiliations. This solar eclipse could bring you new alliances that will enhance a fresh sense of belonging and help you to manifest or grow your dreams and visions. The focus is on making new contacts and networking with those who share your like-minded goals.

 LEO – July 23 – August 22

You want recognition and this eclipse is shining on your career, public image, and your destiny. The eclipse in this 10th house brings a new chapter to your life’s journey and direction. You are compelled to move forward to gain the acknowledgment and respect that you desire regarding your talents and skills. Carefully plan the direction you really want to go and think about what you really want for yourself. Focus on how you are projecting yourself as a professional and how you want to be seen.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This eclipse is planting the seed for new ideals and beliefs and to expand your knowledge beyond the ordinary. This is a time to be taught something new. You are being shown that you have outgrown narrow-minded and restrictive thoughts and are ready to develop your mind and spirit. You may start a new course of study teaching you about different philosophies, religions, cultural expansion, or spiritual ideas. This is a chance for you to grow, to develop your understanding of the world, and open yourself to new ideas beyond your immediate environment.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

As the eclipse transits through your 8th house, be ready for the power of transformation. This will be a time of deep introspection when you plumb the depths of awareness that you have around your intimate relationships. Eclipses here are intense and force you to do some deep soul-searching and face your darkest fears. Working on your shadow side during this time brings about the highest growth and change for your greater good. It’s a time that can bring those “light-bulb” moments where you suddenly see the white light of truth.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

The eclipse is moving through your house of relationships and partnerships. A new story in this area is getting ready to develop. With Uranus in the mix, you may find yourself attracted to unconventional relationships or you may need more space in an already existing one. Use this time to consider what is truly important to you in this part of your life. This could be a great opportunity to inject some new concepts into the area of partnerships and provide a new energy to enliven and revitalize your partner. This eclipse has the ability to bring passion and intensity into an otherwise stagnant relationship.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Take advantage of these next few months to plant the seeds to improve all aspects of your daily life. This eclipse makes you more sensitively aware of your body and what it needs to maintain optimal health and well-being. There is definitely an emphasis on mind/body connection. Plan to establish a new lifestyle routine that includes stress management and an easy-to-follow practice that would include a refresh on your dietary and exercise schedule. This eclipse can help shake you out of old predictable behaviors and infuse new energy into your perspectives on life. Strive to incorporate more soulful joy into your day-to-day activities and take new steps to connect with your spiritual purpose.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

What makes you unique? What are your creative talents and hobbies? This eclipse shines a light on your personal self-expression and the beginning of a new creation, whether it is a new love interest, a new project or work of art, or the conception of a child. This is a time to allow yourself to be inspired and let love and fun be a guiding force in your life. With the Moon in sextile to Mars, it provides an adventurous and passionate enthusiasm for most anything that strikes your fancy.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

The focus of this solar eclipse is around your home life and family. It can signal a renewal taking place in the home and improving your family life and living situation. It brings heightened awareness of your roots and your private emotions and what it takes for you to feel foundational love, safety, security. This is a wonderful time to re-organize, make home improvements or renovations, or even move to a new house altogether. You are driven to initiate innovative ways to incorporate new emotional support in your home sector. 

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

The eclipse will take place in your 3rd house of communication, emphasizing a time where you are learning something of importance and making space to initiate some type of personal study or mentorship. It is a great time for taking classes in new areas of interest, developing new skill sets, working on improving your communication skills, or even becoming involved in your community through teaching a subject of interest to you. Use your imagination and creativity to find your voice in a new way.