Welcoming the 2022 New Year


The holiday rush is over and the time to contemplate all that 2021 brought to our lives is upon us. I’m sure we all experienced similar feelings, fears, and hopes for the future to a certain extent. I find it helpful to look to the Universe for guidance and especially for receiving a heads-up of what to prepare for as the year gets under way. I would like to share the planetary transits that start our year.

On New Year’s Day, the Sun connects with Uranus in a Trine aspect. What this means is that these 2 planets are connecting with each other in an easy manner. There is a flow and a harmonious exchange between the two. Since they are both in the Earth element, it provides a creative and stable stream of energy.

This transit brings a very positive start to the year. You should be able to feel an anticipation of exciting new changes and better things to come. Follow your intuition and be open to possible new directions in your life. This is a transit of freedom and embracing your individuality and your uniqueness. Don’t be afraid to spice things up, let your creativity flow and be open to new and progressive ideas. Sun Trine Uranus is beneficial for embracing the future and for combining inspiration with creativity to produce something innovative for the year ahead.

January 2nd has Mercury entering Aquarius. Mercury is all about communication and Aquarius is original, innovative, and unique. With Mercury in the sign of Aquarius during this time, it actually works well with the Sun/Uranus Trine. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and it increases your desire to live your life according to your own rules. Not only is this a very intellectual transit, but it can also bring out your quirky side as well. Your thoughts will tend to be a little off beat, but also inventive and progressive at the same time. Have a great time with this energy and be open to new ways to flourish and shine your light. The combination of this transit with the Sun/Uranus Trine is a great way to kick-start the new year.

On this same day, the first New Moon of the year will appear in the sign of Capricorn. In keeping with the theme so far, the New Moon is letting us know that it is time for new beginnings and planting the seed for our future dreams. Take time to envision what you would like your life to look like by creating unique possibilities and prospects to work towards.

This is a time to focus on the Capricorn traits such as resourcefulness, discipline, and ambition. Work on developing maturity and responsibility in life. Capricorn provides us with structure and perseverance to be able to attain any goal that we set our sights on. He gives us the skills to survive and the stamina to march through any challenges, trusting in our own abilities to do what we must to prepare and not give up. Capricorn wants us to “keep our eye on the prize” and to do the right thing. The energy of this sign is very practical and grounded, and I would say that it is the perfect energy to begin again.

Just as things are winding up, Mercury turns retrograde on January 14th. During this time, I would suggest taking a break from moving forward with any plans you may have begun at the beginning of the month.

Until Mercury stations direct once again on February 3rd, take those 3 weeks (give or take a week on either side) to slow down and review your thoughts and the plans you are making for the future. Reflect on the best ways to really make your dreams work. Perhaps revisit attempts on similar projects that were started in the past that you didn’t finish or that didn’t pan out. Return to those ideas with renewed focus and a better plan for completion. This is a period with an emphasis on more reflection and less action. Look at this as a wake-up call designed to slow us down and give us the opportunity to do some things over in a different way. Embrace this time to see things from a different perspective and use it as a tool for growth and to improve things in a new and better way.

On January 17th the first Full Moon of the year is in Cancer. This Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon and will reach its peak at 6:51pm EST. “It's thought that January's Full Moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more likely to be heard howling at this time. It was traditionally believed that wolves howled due to hunger during winter, but we know today that wolves howl for different reasons. Howling and other wolf vocalizations are generally used to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and coordinate hunting.” (almanac.com)

Since the Sun/Moon polarity occurs between Capricorn and Cancer, the tug of war is between our inner emotional self, our safety and security, and our search for deeper meaning in the outside world. It is about questioning the security in our lives and where we are headed outside of our safe haven and bringing in the external world. This Full Moon will bring up questions of security in many areas of life, such as job security, relationship security, personal security and where to go next with career goals. Reflect on where you need to restructure to best support the work you are meant to do.

The goal is to find balance and remain grounded. This is the time to release control of anything toxic or negative that is holding you back. This is the perfect time for inner work, healing and letting go of lower vibrational energies. Express gratitude and allow balance and harmony to be welcomed into your life.

The Sun leaves Capricorn and enters the sign of Aquarius on January 19th. It’s time to lighten up the mood and break free from some of the restrictions and boundaries that were put into place by a desire to work hard to achieve some strong ambitions. Aquarius encourages us to embrace a more freedom loving attitude. Aquarius provides the ability to recognize that we are all unique individuals with the potential to be and do more than what we ever thought possible. The beginnings of understanding your own creativity and progressive outlook toward society and humanity in general begins here. Allow this energy to guide you towards expressing your ideas in more than a personal way and to see the social effects of your actions. The energy of Aquarius season enables you to remain logical and objective and gives the ability to communicate with others without becoming caught up in emotion. This is a great time to open your mind to different perspectives and to think outside the box. Accept and embrace the unique, the unconventional, and the innovative ideas out there in the world.

The month ends with the planet Venus returning to a direct motion on January 29th after being in retrograde since December 19th. Venus is the planet of love, harmony, beauty, your possessions, and your relationships. Its primary function is love in all its forms. It sets the stage for what makes us happy, for our appreciation of what we view as beautiful, and how we deal with relationships and affection.

When Venus was retrograde over the holiday period and into the beginning of the new year, you may have experienced a distance within your personal connections. It is a time when we typically re-assess and re-think our relationships, and what and who we value. As Venus stations direct at the end of this month, hopefully a sense of harmony returns providing a clearer and healthier vision of your self-worth and what you truly deserve and want in your relationships.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

The year starts off with a bang in the career and public sector. With the New Moon in your 10th house, you can expect a new chapter in your professional life or in your life direction.  This month could bring you closer to your goals and/or recognition for a major accomplishment. Keep in mind that Venus is also in this house, signifying that this is a beneficial time to foster a positive relationship with your boss. Allowing your superior to see your potential and commitment to your job, can encourage their guidance and help to advance your career opportunities.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

This is the time to explore new horizons. Your beliefs are being tested and your personal philosophies about life are changing. Perhaps your ideas are now outdated and don’t fit with your needs or lifestyle anymore. Review your views and principles regarding what works for you spiritually, emotionally, and physically. This is an intense learning period where you will be absorbing new information and formulating higher-minded subjects. It is important to be clear about what you believe and that it accurately represents your authentic self. This is a positive period where you are open-hearted and accepting of many different theories and cultures.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

The focus is on intimacy and sharing your deepest secrets and desires with another. Casual just won’t cut it. It will be important to dive deep and work through any psychological issues that are creating blocks and barriers around intimacy. Be prepared for some intense and powerful insights. Allow the seeds of change to transform how you trust, connect, show your vulnerability, and listen to your intuition. With Venus in a close connection with the New Moon, it is forming an easy and natural give and take within these close relationships making discussions and intimacy more comfortable and enjoyable without getting too heavy.


Get ready for a new relationship story to emerge. The focus is on all types of close partnerships whether business related or romantically related. This is a good time to work on mutually supportive relationships and connecting in a positive and harmonious manner with significant others. Because a New Moon always has an element of mystery, it would be wise to avoid jumping into a completely new relationship. However, if you are already in a committed partnership, this could signal moving forward to the next level. This is also a good time for a fresh start where there may have been previous misunderstandings or a split in the partnership.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

Expect a strong focus on your health and daily wellness. This is a great time to evaluate your personal and work lifestyle, your stress levels, your nutrition and diet, and exercise routines. The New Moon is encouraging you to implement new health habits on all levels. This is a good time to learn about health from the inside out. Start by becoming aware of the foods you eat and the activities that make you feel better. Become conscious of how each of your daily routines affect you overall. Make your changes gradually and incorporate them slowly so that they become a permanent way of life.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This is the time for you to shine your light on whatever fills you with passion and joy. With the New Moon in the 5th house, it brings excitement, inspiration, and the possibility of new creation into your life. This is the area of procreation. Whether it is the conception of a child, or the birth of a new creative project, love interest, artistic hobby or turning what you love into your life’s purpose, it’s time to take a risk, play and incorporate the things that make you happy. We all have a special gift to offer. Focus on what your gift is.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

The year starts off with a strong focus on your emotional needs regarding your home, family, and the foundations in your life. You’ll feel the need to restore your home with new energy. Perhaps it will be as simple as clearing out clutter and redecorating to create a comfortable place that reflects your individual emotional style and needs. You can also accomplish this by spending more time bonding with those you care about and opening up your true and deep emotional feelings when you need support. The emphasis will be on whatever provides a foundation for your emotional well-being.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

The focus is on fresh new ways of thinking and communicating. New ideas and thought patterns will occur, encouraging you to think outside the box. This is a good time to expand your mind by learning something new, perhaps take a class that interests you, or get involved in a community project. It is also a beneficial time to begin writing projects that enhance your self-expression or help you to organize your thoughts. Even if the writing is journaling for yourself, the goal is to integrate your feelings with your thoughts allowing for a more effective manner of communication.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

The emphasis is on your financial security, the things you value and your self-worth. It is time for a new beginning in arranging your life according to what your needs are for your future well-being. You may feel a strong transformation occurring in how you view your self-worth and realize that material possessions do not always equate to emotional and financial security. Ask yourself questions to open the door to new approaches and solutions. Are there new opportunities to increase your income? What are your spending practices? Do you have savings and investments? Do you have a budget plan? You will see a positive increase in the way you feel about yourself if you choose to work on the personal growth needed to increase your sense of self-worth. 

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

Expect to be more emotionally self-aware than usual. Your emotional nature is trying to tell you something regarding individualistic changes in the coming year. Your sense of self is usually defined by your ability to achieve your goals and ambitions in a practical and responsible way. However, with the Capricorn New Moon in Trine with Uranus in the 5th house, change is coming in terms of your personal self-expression. You may find yourself thinking more creatively and presenting viewpoints in a more unique way. This will potentially help contribute to new fields of interest and new methods of accomplishments. 

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Are you ready for some divine inspiration? With the New Moon in your 12th house, you can expect the things that have been hidden, to rise to the surface. This could manifest through dreams or in times of quiet meditation. It is time to release whatever it is that you have been avoiding, or anything that has been standing in your way of happiness. The New Moon asks that you be present with your secrets, fears and anything that is ready to unfold, and be ready to bring in new energy to create the life you want. This is the best time to explore your subconscious mind and replenish and heal your soul.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Do you have a dream or personal wishes that you are working towards? With the New Moon in the 11th house, the focus is on networking and making connections and friendships with others who are in tune with your aspirations and can help you to grow an idea you have been contemplating. The New Moon Trine Uranus in the 3rd house gives you the ability to inspire new concepts and enlighten the minds of others. Original projects and unique ideas will be appreciated at this time as you look to colleagues or mentors to help you pave the way.