To this point, I have covered the luminaries and the personal planets in this four-part mini-series. These next planets are two of my favorites, Jupiter and Saturn. Whenever I do a chart reading for someone, towards the conclusion of the reading, I always include a look at transiting Jupiter and Saturn in terms of forecasting where their opportunities and challenges may currently be. Let me explain about these very social, but very different planets.

As previously discussed, each planet in the solar system represents a different set of qualities and characteristics, and rule over a different part of our lives with each bringing their own unique energy and direction. I like to think of the planets as characters, each with different personalities, goals, interests, and jobs.

Jupiter and Saturn are known as the “social planets” because they control personal and social relations. They link us to society and have an impact on how we relate to the world. These planets are very important in understanding our role on this earth, the formation of our sense of social purpose and direction, and our search for achievement in the world. They are the planets most concerned with professional development and our pursuit of success.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and considered the “larger than life” planet or the great Benefactor planet. Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius. In Greek mythology, Jupiter was Zeus, King of the Gods. I tend to think of Jupiter as “Santa Claus” because he provides us with abundance and good fortune in our lives. There is a huge generosity to this planet’s energy, bordering on extravagance. It represents luck, fortune, success, and a force for good in world. Due to the freedom associated with this planet, it is easy to over-expand and we can have trouble putting the brakes on too much of a good thing.

This planet symbolizes meaning, truth and growth. It gives us our belief system and where we find the value and purpose in our lives, as well as the ability to grow spiritually. Jupiter enables us to broaden our horizons and provides opportunities for expansion which are available in the area of life where you find it in your birth chart. It helps us find opportunities to expand our personal goals and our pathway toward success regarding the future.

In transit, Jupiter shows where you expand your life in new ways and have new experiences. In a solar return chart, which is a birth chart of a new year in your life that runs from birthday to birthday, Jupiter shows where you will experience it’s expansive and abundant energy and opportunities for that year. It will provide the needed positivity and favorable circumstances creating your “gift” for the year. You may choose to use these gifts for personal purposes or choose to apply the knowledge and opportunities provided by Jupiter for the good of society and share your good fortune with others.

Where Jupiter describes the opportunities experienced in our outer world, Saturn describes the limitations. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn constricts.

In Greek mythology, Saturn was Chronos, the God whose name means time. He was the father of Zeus. He is also known as the “Old Man” or “Father of the Zodiac” and rules old age, maturity and time. Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, is the ambitious and practical planet of achievement, determination and hard work. I picture Saturn as the strict and authoritative father figure who makes the rules and sets our curfews.

Although many see Saturn as a malefic planet, I view him as the planet that gives us structure and is our moral compass. He reminds us of our boundaries, responsibilities and commitments. Saturn is the planet that teaches us our hardest lessons and forces us to have discipline and order in our lives. It’s because of these rules and limitations that we are able to achieve the most in life. Many times, we are forced to learn things the hard way, but through these painful experiences, we achieve our greatest growth. Saturn represents growth and responsibility, and growth hardly ever comes easily. It is your greatest challenge until you master it, then it becomes your greatest support.

Jupiter’s tendency for over-expansion needs to be curbed by Saturn’s boundary setting. It’s the part of you that really wants to do the right thing even when it is difficult, because Saturn governs “right actions” and motivates us to do the things we don’t feel like doing. Saturn will be a restrictive force, but only until you learn the lessons it has to teach you. Once you have learned this, the restrictions are lifted, and Jupiter is again given the freedom to expand further.

In the birth chart, Saturn shows where we have lessons to learn and responsibilities to manage. We were all born with some sort of blockage, usually related to fear. One of life’s purposes is to break through the blockage by recognizing it and taking responsibility for it and knowing that breaking it requires commitment, self-discipline and time. If we can successfully accomplish this, we achieve a new level of maturity, self-respect and a new level of happiness.

In transit, Saturn spends about 2 ½ years in each sign and can remain for more than 2 years in a house. Transit Saturn shows where you need to become more responsible and mature, where you have work to do, where you can expect to experience blockages and delays, and where you can dedicate your time to overcome these obstacles.

When analyzing Saturn within a solar return chart, it will indicate what your yearly lesson might be and where your challenges during the year are going to occur. It can provide information about additional responsibilities and recognition of any limitations and boundaries. Saturn can be our motivational teacher to push us through.

An example of how Saturn works in our lives can be illustrated by the following:  if Saturn is in the 4th House of a solar return chart, that person will most likely feel more responsibility to their home and family. The 4th House is representative of home, family, security and ancestry. The events that manifest could be anything from having grown children move back in the house with small children from a dissolved marriage, or aging parents who become dependent and need more help and guidance, or maybe this person moves into another home that needs some restoration. The underlying theme is increased responsibility within the family and home during the year.

Jupiter and Saturn seem so opposite, yet they need each other. When they combine their energies, they create a perfect stop and go combination. When Jupiter wants to head off on an adventure and impulsively fly to Vegas for the weekend, Saturn shows up to make sure we don’t gamble away our life savings or end up in jail. Jupiter is the gas; Saturn is the brakes.


 ARIES – March 21 – April 19

This month sparks your creativity and gets your juices flowing. There is a strong connection between your inner thoughts and ideas and creative self-expression. Focus on what you love and where you find your passion so that you can shine your light in a more artistic and inventive way. You feel more magnetic, wanting to present your creative work and receive appreciation for it. This is a time to nurture your individuality and pursue the development of a unique talent. The New Moon squaring Uranus in your 2nd house suggests that any creative activity started can have a positive outcome financially as well.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

August is all about home, family and your emotional needs. Listen to your intuitive self and figure out what will make you feel comfortable and secure. It is likely that you take steps to change your living situation either through beginning the search for a new house or initiating the process of home remodeling or renovation. Feeling at home and a sense of comfort is important and creating a place of retreat that reflects your personality is emphasized. Bring in new energy by clearing things out, moving things around or bringing in new additions. Focusing on your emotional needs will help make these adjustments easier.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

You will be feeling more socially active and looking for variety in your life. In fact, the storyteller in you is front and center, making for great conversations and the give and take of ideas and opinions. You will want to make sure you are getting your messages across in an easy-to-understand way, so this would also be a good time to read up on communication skills or begin writing projects that enhance your self-expression or help you to organize your thoughts. The goal is to integrate your feelings with your thoughts and thereby communicate in a more effective manner.


Are you inspired to begin evaluating your finances and deciding how secure you feel within that area of life? Begin by assessing what is of real value to you and where your self-worth resides. This is a time of new beginnings in terms of how you arrange your life in order to feel financially stable and secure. Look at your spending practices, savings and investments. Do you have a budget plan? Are there new opportunities to increase your income? Make sure you feel comfortable with how much you think you are worth and how you are being compensated for your services.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

With the New Moon in your sign this month, this is your opportunity to shine your light on the self-image you are projecting to the world. It is time to turn a new page in the chapter of your life. Reflect on how you want to present yourself both physically and professionally. It is a great time to set new intentions to recreate yourself; review your appearance, work on your personal development, and decide on how to make the most of your assets. With the Moon making a square aspect to Uranus in the career sector, this is your chance to change the way others perceive you.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This is a very mystical time as you feel connected to spirit and your subconscious mind. These next few weeks are a time to heal and to reflect on everything that has happened this year so far. Eliminate and release all of those things that are stopping you from finding your joy and purpose in the world. The New Moon in your 12th house brings into the light all of the things you weren’t able to see before and allows you to make room for new energy to move in. Paying attention to your night-time dreams is important now. They can provide insight and messages not available to your consciousness. Journal your dreams for insight, begin a consistent meditation practice, or discover new spiritual work to illuminate the answers you are looking for.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

You want to discover and solidify your “tribe” this month. Finding those friendships and group associations that are in tune with your wishes and aspirations can help you to plant your seeds and grow an opportunity you have been contemplating. The New Moon squaring Uranus in the 8th house, heightens your intuition and increases your ability to transform yourself and motivate you to begin something unique and truly your own. Keep your eyes open for opportunities that begin within a new group or organization that can help grow your ideas or possibly bring a benefactor who will help you out.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

The New Moon is moving through your house of career, life path and public reputation. Your soul is longing for more recognition, more responsibility, or simply more meaning and purpose in life. This is the time for a new beginning and the time to start laying the foundation for the changes you want to make in this area, whether it means deciding if you are in the right career or following the right path in life. Focus on how you are projecting yourself to society and as a professional. With this New Moon in Leo, it carries powerful energy for you to shine and make yourself noticed in your professional and life path.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Where and how can you expand on your beliefs and faith? Have you been questioning your philosophies and ideals? This New Moon has you on a mission to open your mind to new possibilities of what you have always claimed to be your truth. This time period is about expanding the mind and your horizons through spiritual exploration, realizing that something greater than ourselves exist. Perhaps you will be interested in philosophical subjects through higher education and higher thought, or in expanding your perspectives through cultural travel. This time period is about looking at life from a broader perspective, being less judgmental and inviting in a more positive and uplifting phase in your life.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

The New Moon is moving through your 8th house, bringing up feelings that run deep and powerful. This time period can bring up psychological and emotional issues within close personal relationships. You may ask yourself if you have been giving away your power to another or carrying around someone else’s baggage. It will be important to communicate with your partner in a deep and meaningful way, as well as to intimately bond on a sexual level. This can truly be a time of empowerment for you, providing you with insight into not only your own, but into other’s motivations and issues of power and control. Trust your intuition, investigate and become more aware of the psychological influences affecting you and your close relationships.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Be prepared for a new relationship story to develop. Your love relationship is taken to a new and more committed level. If you are moving in together or getting married, decisions will have to be made with regard to your domestic situation. The New Moon is in square to Uranus in the 4th house, so issues surrounding family and home will develop. Are you thinking of merging your 2 homes together, signing a contract on a brand-new home, or perhaps making changes to your current residence to accommodate more than one family? In making decisions, keep in mind not only your personal needs, but the needs of your partner as well, making sure you both are on the same page regarding your desires.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Your well-being is the focus this month. If your life has been out of balance, it is time to restore order and organize your life in a positive way. Set your intentions to develop a new and improved lifestyle. This is a good time to make gradual changes to your daily routines, the things you’re in service to, stress management, and above all else, your overall health. Develop a health consciousness toward your meal planning and exercise habits, being mindful that it is something you can realistically keep up with. Make changes to your routine gradually and incorporate them permanently.