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The planet Mercury is the planet of communication. It relates to our mind and our intellect, how we go about gathering information, and the way we communicate that information to others. It helps us understand life and make sense of our daily experiences.

Mercury’s sign and house position in your chart shows how you think, reason, and express yourself. This planet is very influential in our interaction with others, especially through technology; computers, telecommunications, software, electronics, the media, and all forms of transportation.

So, what happens when Mercury goes retrograde? What exactly does this mean and what is all the commotion about?

When Mercury turns retrograde, from the viewpoint of the earth, it appears to be moving backwards. This occurs because the speed at which the planet is orbiting the sun is different to the speed at which the earth orbits the sun. Mercury, of course, has not suddenly changed direction, but only appears to have done so from the perspective of the earth. It is merely an illusion, however, during this perceived backward motion, communication and technology tend to get disrupted. Because Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in only 88 days, it becomes retrograde three or four times in a year, for about three weeks at a time. 

Because Mercury is the planet of communication and technology, when this planet retrogrades everything in our world can get thrown off. It seems as if we have no control over the seemingly random situations that arise during this time. We have a hard time understanding each other, there are miscommunications between people that can create hard feelings, important details are missed, travel plans can get totally snarled with flights being cancelled, delayed and people missing connections, computer systems crash - you get the picture. If you look back on some of your really trying times, you may find it was during a retrograde period.

There are certain things you can do to lighten this time period. First of all, try not to look at this in a negative way. Look at this time period as a wake-up call designed to slow us down and give us the opportunity to do some things over in a different way. Instead of trying to swim against the tide, take it as an opportunity to see things from a different perspective and use it as a tool for growth. We are given another chance to think about what is happening in our lives and correct mistakes we have made in the past. It gives us the chance to improve things for ourselves in a new and better way.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio on October 13, 2020 and will turn direct again on November 3, 2020 in Libra.

One very good way to prepare is to see where this transit’s influence will be most strongly felt in your life. The impact of a retrograde depends on the house that it moves into and any relationships it makes with other planets while in retrograde. The following is a horoscope for each Sun sign showing where Mercury Retrograde is going to land. This will provide you with helpful insight to get through this retrograde with confidence and cool.

ARIES – March 21 – April 19
Mercury is transiting your 8th house. During this retrograde be aware of all the ways your finances may intersect with others. You want to avoid any misunderstandings that could come up regarding any shared resources such as leases, loans, bank accounts, etc., so be sure to double-check your paperwork. This is a good time to review and discuss financial planning and investments, but don’t enter into new arrangements until this transit is over.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20
Mercury is transiting your 7th House. Communications with those you are in a relationship with, whether personal, romantic or business, may be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Because Mercury is opposing Uranus in the 1st House, there may be a tendency now to speak before thinking, to instinctively take the opposite viewpoint, and end up arguing for the sake of it. Be mindful of this, try to steer clear of more serious topics and be prepared to compromise. Remember that misunderstandings often have two equally valid sides with no clear “right and wrong.”

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20
Mercury is transiting your 6th House. Now is the time to pay attention to and take care of your health. With all of the stress being experienced in the world right now, this can cause you to neglect your physical, mental and emotional needs. If you allow these needs to take a backseat during this retrograde, health may also suffer, complicating things further down the line. Take it easy, eat well, get plenty of sleep and consider incorporating some meditation, yoga or even a daily walk during this retrograde.

Mercury is transiting your 5th House. The 5th House is usually a very creative placement, but during this 3-week period, you may find your creative juices have stalled a bit and you’re feeling a bit stuck. Are you re-thinking new forms of professional creativity? The key thing here is to go with the flow and not force a specific direction. Remember creativity takes many forms.  You will want to reassess your direction as a past project brings promise for the future.

LEO – July 23 – August 22
Mercury is transiting your 4th House. During these next 3 weeks, you can expect your home and immediate family to occupy your attention. Are you feeling the need to redecorate or have some home repairs come to light? If so, awesome, but make sure you’re clear with any trades people or experts you need to consult; double check agreements, prices and arrangements to ensure you’re all on the same page.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22
Mercury is transiting your 3rd House. This is the house of the mind and one of the houses that Mercury rules, so you may find that you have more difficulty understanding others and making yourself properly understood. This transit can cause miscommunications between people, delays with projects, and problems with technology or the internet. Be sure to back up your computer beforehand and make sure you know where important letters and documents are that you need to refer to in the coming weeks.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22
Mercury is transiting your 2nd House. This house is about your own possessions and finances, your self-esteem and what you value. This 3-week period is the best time for you to look at your personal finances and assets. If you have been thinking about making a major purchase, put some money aside, but hold off on the actual purchase until after the retrograde period. There may also be an unexpected bill or expense that pops up where that extra money will come in handy. Either way, it would be a good idea to put money away before this transit begins to avoid any glitches.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21
Mercury is transiting your 1st House. This retrograde period will be focused on you and your life. During this time, expect to feel continually frustrated by little things going haywire. You could find yourself consistently running late, being accident-prone, breaking things, forgetting things, getting your wires crossed and always rushing with one step behind. The message here is to think before you act, pay attention to yourself and what you are doing, and make sure you forward that email to the correct person before you press send.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21
Mercury is transiting your 12th House. Subconscious patterns could resurface or something you had long forgotten may reappear making you reflect on the past. Don’t let this sabotage your life. You may find yourself focusing inward and spending more time alone. This transit would be a good time to schedule a therapy or healing session to help you process and work through past stories.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19
Mercury is transiting your 11th House. Your connections with groups, friends and associates may feel somewhat strained during this time period. You may experience misunderstandings with friends or acquaintances, or you may feel like quitting groups that you belong to. Gossip and rumors can cause trouble in otherwise good relationships. Be sure you have all the correct information before making any major changes within your friendships or network. It could, however, be time to re-evaluate who your real friends are and why you are involved with certain groups.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18
Mercury Retrograde is transiting your house of career and for you this will be about re-examining your role in the workplace. It is not the time to make any career changes or apply for a new job. Complete or finish a work project, re-apply for a position that you didn't get before, or research the direction you are going. Be careful what you say and think before you speak with someone. You don’t want anyone to twist or misinterpret something during this time that could set you back later on.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20
Mercury is transiting your 9th House. This retrograde will ask you to re-think and re-evaluate your perspectives. Take time out to reflect upon your understanding of life and what your beliefs are. With all of the differences of opinion and polarity in the world, it will be important to listen to your own voice. Focus on your core values. Your beliefs create what you experience.

With Mercury Retrograde taking up all the air in the room, what are the best days to get a little relief?

The peaceful Libra New Moon will take place on October 16th, which will ease some of the retrograde conflicts. This offers you the best chance of resolving differences, balancing relationships and planting the seed for new beginnings.