February will be a busy month, beginning with Mercury in Retrograde. Even though the retrograde occurred on January 30th, it sets the stage for most of this month and it won’t go direct until February 20th.

Mercury Retrograde will be in the sign of Aquarius. During this time period, the potential to change the way we think about the future and the way we process information will be the primary focus, which will subsequently allow us to open up to new ways of thinking. We definitely do not want to act on any of these new ideas until Mercury goes direct, but we have the opportunity to use our vision and prepare for the future.

Something you can do during this time would be to revisit a project you started months ago and didn’t finish. Return to that project with a renewed focus and a plan for completion. There is a greater possibility for success now. Also, if you have had a long-standing dream but have failed to make it a reality, now would be a good time to go back and reflect on how to make it work. During a retrograde period, we are being given another chance to think about what is happening in our lives and correct mistakes we have made in the past. It gives us the chance to improve things for ourselves in a new and better way.

The New Moon, which will occur on February 11th, will also be in Aquarius. Aligning with the Mercurial energy, this is the perfect time for planting the seeds for our future dreams and meditate on what we want to manifest for ourselves. Aquarius is giving us the gift of his innovative energy, creativity and progressive thinking, and the New Moon wants us to be true to ourselves and embrace our unique sense of self. This is all about looking toward the future and deciding what comes next. Embrace this magnificent energy and empower yourself to develop what you truly want during this New Moon.

On February 17th, the Moon will be in an exact conjunction, or perfect alignment, with Uranus. This means that these planets will blend their energies together. The Moon rules our emotions, feelings, sensitivities and moods, while Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, innovation, invention and independence. Since it is coupled with the Moon at this time, expect to experience feelings of moodiness and restlessness, as well as a need to spice things up or a desire to go in the opposite direction that your life path is currently on. Because this connection also promotes individuality, creativity, and artistic abilities, creative activities are a great way to release emotions and anxiety and therefore result in a more positive conjunction.

Even more interesting is that the somewhat rare Saturn-Uranus square will occur on the same day as the conjunction, which will be the first of three that will hit this year. The series continues with the square between these planets returning on June 14th and the last on December 24th. The next time this will happen will not be until 2043.

The last time the Saturn/Uranus square occurred was in1999-2000, which was the peak of the dot-com era and kicked off the transformation into the technology/digital age. The one before that occurred between 1975 and 1977, when the rebellious and creative punk rock era took off, which then burnt out and paved the way for the 1980s.

When these two planets meet up, Saturn will be in the sign of Aquarius and Uranus will be in Taurus. Aquarius represents the collective and the unconventional, and Taurus’ energy wants to protect and remain strong and steady. What you can be sure of is that things will begin to change rapidly. We may see our current systems, or the “old guard,” completely crash down and a newer, more necessary order, will move us into the future.

For a large part of this year, we will additionally have the optimistic and visionary, Jupiter, giving us more expansive and achievable tech alternatives for the online world. We will be moving into a fresh dynamic. More and more, we will be embracing the collective and a “we” mentality instead of a “me” mentality.

Make no mistake, this Saturn/Uranus square is a challenging aspect, but this tension can push us to make really productive changes that are long overdue. Things we can do during this time are to stop resisting change because of fear. Remain open and flexible, find the opportunities and possibilities within these changing times, and focus on what could be. There needs to be a “reset” for society and the environment so that a better future can be created.

We then end the month with a Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th. Take out time to express gratitude for whatever blessings you have in your life, big or small. This is a time to listen to your soul. A time of clearing and purifying. The Virgo Moon will have you asking where you can streamline, organize and improve your life. Try to analyze the details that will make your daily routine run smoothly and efficiently. This Full Moon will help us remain balanced and calm in the midst of so much change.